
That neoprene is the most subject to wear due to the saltiness, but not items that are cheap so it's a good idea to rinse them in fresh water after each periodo.Per experience absolutely no advice to disassemble the table each time to perform this operation because you ruin the anchors (on many tables are self-screws). Council instead of opening all the velcro for a complete cleaning inside.

I recommend removing the fin as little as possible especially with the dear old U.S. Scassa (so avoid doing so when put to the table) because friction slowly there will always be more games between fin and burglary and that's not good. These considerations apply, although to a lesser extent, even for the break-throughs: the screw is very little when mating wedge between table and fin liso is also the sand does not come alone ... in short, that there is reason to disassemble the fin mount if not for the ferry?