The sail used it forever?
Sailing is subject to wear even if the owner is shrewd and precise, so the evaluation of used is critical. Now all the sails are simple monofilm and / or reinforced. These materials break down the exposure of sunlight, and then after a certain number of exits a perfect sailing also becomes fragile. Based on these considerations, the sail is used convenient only in certain cases.
Understood when ...
Are you a beginner and have a Mylar sail that can withstand many falls Initial
You need a sail that you will use very little (eg, from 2.5 to 4.0)
Find an excellent opportunity for the relationship between price and remaining life
You must start between 3 days and your wallet cries
Not when it ...
Benin already know to go sailing and try to use every day until his final death.
Costs too much! To understand the convenience tries to assess the "annual cost" of a sail (purchase price / estimated years of life) and compare with the equivalent new
You can afford a new economy: remember that there is only Neil Pryde!
How do I know if it is a good opportunity
Glance: the stickers could cover repairs or mainly in the area of the boom or below.
The base of the wing is subjected to abrasion for the frequent contact with the table: Check the integrity of the seams
If the sail is monofilm (all transparent) then should not present too many folds dry and have a good transparency is a sign of proper maintenance and acceptable residual strength.
The mylar (sails not transparent) is almost eternal, but no seams: controllatele.
Splints: to extract all of their pockets and check the integrity particularly near the tree where there should be no signs of sfibratura. If the wing has camber control too.
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